Trip Blogs!

Kari Dettorre

Whitespace: Creativity and Competitiveness Coexisting

Whitespace is a creative agency based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Whitespace proudly promotes individuality, hard work, and kindness. Their motto says it all: “work hard and be nice to people”. Whitespace provides branding, content marketing, and everything in between and they are widely known as a creative hub for all of Scotland. This Edinburgh-based company also […]


Day twelve: Traveling Back Home

Alright so today’s the day we travel back to Pittsburgh. Half of us got sick. So, we had to wake up bright and early to meet with David in the lobby as usual. By 8.30 we were on the road to the airport. I was fighting my eyelids (a common theme on this trip that […]


Day Eleven: The Chillest, Illest and Spookiest Day

We woke up bright and late… well actually I woke up way too early for someone who went out the night before. But I was going to go on this morning hike with David, Emma and a bunch of other people. But at the last minute, backed out because I knew I would’ve passed out […]


Day Ten: Two Visits

Today we met at the Embassy to a meeting about the Fringe festival. Oliver was very knowledgeable about this festival which was impressive because he had only been there for 18 months. I loved the fact that the Fringe is not only so inclusive, but is making waves worldwide with over 55 countries involved. I […]

Anna Wolf

The Royal Mile

A Journey Down The Royal Mile The Royal Mile The Royal Miles is a stretch of history located in the country of Scotland that connects the Edinburgh Castle to the Holyrood Palace. The mile stretch, which is actually about 1. 12 miles–a Scots–mile makes this street one of the busiest tourist street in the Old […]


Day Nine: Worst Airport Experience

So today’s the day of terrible traveling yes, just what I needed before we land in the beautiful land of Scotland. Honestly I love airports most days, but today was not the day, especially for Lexi. The airport was pretty slow and then on top of that, security sent me for a loop with checking […]


Day Eight: It’s a lot

Wow this breakfast at the hotel thing… not a thing for me anymore apparently. So we arrive at the University of Salford and we meet Dr. Annabelle Waller. I’m going to be completely honest, i did not read the itinerary prior very well so I had no idea what was happening today besides BBC. Dr. […]


Day Seven: Literally, I miss my mom

Today’s the day the Beatles tour was on. So I was happy that we had our morning to sleep in a bit, I was a bit hungover to start the day off but nonetheless, the day persisted on. Emma, Diego and I got some breakfast with Dara, Julia and Lexi. Then we sat on the […]


Day Six: Shakespeare is a figment of someone’s imagination, thank you next.

Breakfast was grand…. because it was air. We packed all of our things and put it on a bus to go on a tour about Shakespeare and where he lived. Okay my disclaimer that these are just opinions just to be clear. Don’t come for me for thinking this way. I loved the lady who […]


Day Five: We’re going on an Adventure Charlie

I had absolutely no time to eat breakfast at the hotel this morning. We had to meet this morning at 845 (mind you I didn’t get to sleep until 3am) so I chugged a bunch of water to wake up. I then packed the rest of my stuff because I was not going to do […]