Angela Altieri

Day 11: We love Underground Vaults

It was our last day of the trip, other than travel, today. It was nice to be able to spend some time relaxing and exploring to wrap up the trip. I started the day by getting ready and heading back to the Elephant House, where J.K. Rowling wrote the start of Harry Potter. I had […]

Angela Altieri

Day 10: I Finally Get a Scotch Egg

Today began with our final couple of media visits. First up was the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We met with Oliver at the French Embassy on the Royal Mile and spoke with him at length about the history of the festival and what it takes to put on one like it. The Fringe Festival is a […]

Angela Altieri

Day Nine: The Laddie Wha Lived

When getting up this morning, I had to actually fully pack my suitcase for the first time since arriving in England. This is because this morning we packed up and boarded a flight to get us into Edinburgh, Scotland. The flight was easy and quick. We spent a total of 45 minutes between taxiing and […]

Angela Altieri

Day Eight: Dona Makes an Appearance

Today’s adventures began with an early morning wake up call in Liverpool. We boarded our bus and began a short journey up to Salford, a suburb of Manchester. Once we were there, we arrived in what is known as the Manchester Media City. This is an aptly named area as it is home to multiple […]

Angela Altieri

Day Seven: Here Comes the Sun

Today’s adventures thankfully began a little later than normal. We had a free morning and so I happily slept in until 9 a.m. After this I went to a cute little breakfast spot next to our hotel. This was one of the best meals I have had so far this trip consisting of the best […]

Angela Altieri

Day Six: I meet William Shakesbear

Today’s trip was interesting and exhausting. We woke up in Stratford-upon-Avon and began a guided walking tour of the town. During this we learned a lot about Shakespeare and his life there. This being said, it is interesting to note that a lot about Shakespeare is unknown. People often speculate about his life and what […]

Angela Altieri

Day Five: Now Playing “On the Road Again”

Today’s journey began bright and early. We loaded up our luggage and got on the bus to leave London. It was bittersweet because I loved the city but was also excited to begin to see the English countryside. The bus ride took us out to Windsor Castle. Walking out  of the bus and into the […]

Angela Altieri

Day Four: We Attempt a British Candy Mukbang (Video to follow)

Today we had a very long day but it was also really fun. It was also our last day in London and we leave for Windsor and Stratford-upon-Avon tomorrow. While attempting to get breakfast, we realized that the line was too long so we ended up at the ever-trustworthy Starbucks. I was confused at first […]

Angela Altieri

Day Three: An Airport Romance

Today felt like forever, but not necessarily in a bad way. The day started early with two media visits on deck for the morning and afternoon. I was excited to get into the more intense side of the media visits for this trip, but was nervous I would possibly burn out before the start of […]

Angela Altieri

Day Two: Is Mayonnaise a French Fry Condiment?

The day started out with a trip to Point Park’s study abroad sister campus, Regent’s University. Before we could get there though, we had to figure out how to ride the Tube. This was very exciting for me but also a little stressful because I am one of those people who needs to know everything […]