Kelsey Braun

Day Seven: Liverpool

Liverpool contained the first hills I had seen in the UK.  This may be a strange observation, but I noticed that every area in the UK that we’ve ventured to thus far had been relatively flat, except some small inclines in Windsor, but none too significant.  We had to walk up hills for dinner, a […]

Kelsey Braun

Day Six: Stratford-Upon-Avon.

I spent the previous night dying from, what I assume (or am just writing it off as because I cannot recall a time that I felt so crappy) was hayfever.  I thought my allergies were bad back in the States.  No amount of medication could have prepared me for the hell I suffered throughout the […]

Kelsey Braun

Day Five: Windsor Castle

I left a small piece of my heart in London and the class departed for Windsor.  The town is small and regal-looking, the type of aesthetic one would expect from a quaint little town in England.  Picturesque, with cobblestone roads and beautiful scenery.  It had a much different vibe than London did. Windsor Castle, the […]

Kelsey Braun

Day One: Paid to be Here and Paid to Pee Here.

Our plane touched down at Heathrow London Airport, the second busiest airport in the world; no where near as busy as Pittsburgh International Airport, which I saw for the first time. Straight off of the plane, we loaded onto a tour bus, and it was weird to be on the “wrong” side of the road […]