Alexis Slavicek

Let’s all go in a Yellow Submarine

Today had a really good start.  I got to sleep in.  I still ended up getting up at like 10:30, so I could go to brunch with my friends. We met at a brunch place called The Hub that was pretty close to our hotel.  Everyone had to meet back at the hotel lobby to go on a Beatles Tour at 12:30.   I didn’t know what to expect because I didn’t really know a lot about the Beatles, but it wasn’t bad.  I just wish I could understand the references because the tour was in their hometown where they wrote most of their songs, so you see a lot of references to their lyrics. It was cool to get to see the different parts of the city though.

We visited all their childhood homes, a few of the places they would perform, their barber, Strawberry field, an old graveyard where they used to write songs from, and where Paul and John met.  It was cool to see the different backgrounds you could tell they came from, from where they grew up, and how that affected them as a band.

After we finished the Beatles Tour, we went to lunch at a place called Tortilla which is similar to a Moe’s.  I then headed back to the hotel to rest and catch up on blogs, while soaking up the sun and the views.  Around 7 p.m., our little group started getting ready to go Junkyard Gulfing, which is an adult mini gulf place.  It was such a cool little place, it really was like a play place for adults.  They had really fun drink options too with candy. The way the drinks were all pizzazz up was so cute.  We stopped at McDonalds on the way back to the hotel, and ate it in the hotel lobby while we hung out for a little while longer.  It ended up being an early night because we had to pack up to leave for Manchester tomorrow.