Casey Davis

Day 3: Battenhall and Beyond

Day three in the UK and it started off with a bit of rain. In the morning, we headed off to Battenhall, a very amazing agency in London. We met with an array of people, starting with the founder, Drew Benvie. He stressed the importance of social media, and how he saw the importance of social media, and how he has combined it with public relations. Social media is my favorite aspect of PR so I was really interested in all the things he had to say about it.

We met with Johnny who collects data, and a team that works with influencers Meg and Leah. I found the influencer information very interesting because that’s not an experience I have had, but I know that it is very important now. They said how they have differing opinions with the clients and how the clients usually trust their opinions when it comes to picking an influencer. The creators of content went over a lot of tips I use personally or have learned and it was really reassuring to hear.

From there we went to Burson Cohn & Wolfe (BCW), which is a much larger global PR and communications agency. There we met with the creative team, that consisted of Pete, Mark, Petra, and Io. These three brought a lot of energy into the room. They work with BCW in many different ways. The most interesting thing was a project in Shri Lanka. The incredible video he helped create for the Visit Shri Lanka campaign was of great quality and he got to go on sight for the shoot, which would be an absolute dream, combining your job with travel.

Overall today I was very, very impressed. Not only would I love to work at either of these companies, but it has also inspired me to be more creative with everything I get tasked with. I will definitely be sending my resume to both companies when its time for me to look for a job.