Mya Burns

Day 8: Letting it Be

Since we had the morning free to do what we pleased, I decided that it would be a good idea to sleep in a little bit more than I had been on the trip so far, especially after my long night out. After finally rousing myself I went with some friends to a cafe called Ruben’s Coffee down the walk from our hotel. I got nutella pancakes and a flat white and it was absolutely delicious and just what I needed to start my day.

Today was the day of the Beatles Tour. I was originally very excited for this tour, but as the day went on I was less and less enthused. The tour itself was very interesting and our tour guide was amazing, but it was a very hot day and the bus was seemingly without air conditioning. But we powered through and I learned a lot about the Beatles that I didn’t know. My favorite parts of the tours were when our guide explained the names of songs that I was familiar with and how the artists got the ideas for the lyrics and titles. I’m always very interested in the stories of how songs come to be, especially songs that influenced so many people and so many future artists. It was also so interesting to hear just how intense Beatles fans became and how it affected the Beatles.

After this tour we had free time for the rest of the day and I was excited to have some fun in Liverpool because I was quickly realizing that I really enjoyed this city. I had Nando’s for the first time at lunch and I really enjoyed it. I parted ways with my friends and on my way back to the hotel I searched the water for something my stepmom told me I would see in Liverpool. I thought she was crazy but then I saw them– jellyfish! There were actually jellyfish in the water and I guess that it isn’t that surprising but I was definitely shocked and it felt like a fun little secret that I had discovered (with help from my stepmom of course.)

After that, I decided it would be a good idea to head back to the hotel room to relax and work on my blogs. I did that for a short time but then I was invited to go to mini-golf with some friends and I’m not one to say no to a good time, especially when it involves mini-golf. Junkyard Golf was a really cool place that had glow-in-the-dark decorations and super creative courses. Plus, it was a fun bonding experience with friends from the trip. We ended the night with a pit stop at McDonald’s and I went to bed sad that we were leaving this beautiful city the next morning.