Madison Kelkis

Day 9: First Day of Scotland!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday morning it was back on a plane for our class. This time, however, we would be heading to Scotland!

Scotland is easily the prettiest place I have ever been. When I walked outside I felt like the painter, Bob Ross, had painted a giant backdrop and God was just dangling it from the heavens. It could not possibly be real.

The first place our class went was to the Edinburgh Castle. The perfect spot for an impromptu photoshoot with my photography friends. The architecture and gardens were gorgeous as well as the views of the city.

The coolest thing though was our walk up to the castle. Instead of a guitar player on the street with his case out for tips, there was a man playing bagpipes in a full kilt outfit.

Anyway, after a short, independent tour of the castle, we had a guided tour of the Royal Mile. The Royal Mile is is the main road in the Old Town of Edinburgh that connects the castle to the palace.

Fun Fact: the Royal Mile isn’t really a mile. It’s 1.6 miles.

After the tour, we had our first bit of free time. My friends and I decided to go the Museum Context. Museum Context is a Harry Potter store located on the street that inspire Diagon Alley.

Honestly, I had no clue that Edinburgh was where JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter. I was looking around when we first arrived thinking, “wow. I feel like I’m in Harry Potter.” and really, I kinda was! Rowling got so much inspiration from her home town and it really showed!

After a group dinner, we all decided to go to bed pretty early. Tomorrow is out last day of media visits!