Taylor Lippke


After having almost a three hour delay coming home yesterday, I am shocked that I managed to wake up early. I guess my brain is still on London time no matter how little sleep I get. During the delay, the flight home and this morning my mind has drifted back to this lovely trip.

I know I have to write an actual paper on my experience but this last blog is a mini summary. I got to do so many things that I wanted to do while I was over there and many things I never dreamed of.

First, I would like to point out that I am a picky eater. Whether it is my heart problems telling me I can not have red meat or me just not liking greasy foods, I still managed to try a lot of new foods. I had Greek and Chinese for the first time. I tried fish the first night a long with gnocchi on the last night. I found a love for this pastry called a chocolate twist and a scone I had in Stratford.

The second thing I would like to point out is all the amazing people that I bonded with. I did not think I would find friends on this trip. I thought maybe I would talk to one or two people if I was lucky. I didn’t mind going off and exploring by myself if I had to. Luckily, I didn’t have to be alone. I found a group with four people that I spent almost every day with. When we were in Liverpool we hung out with another group among our class. The merging of our two groups to go out led us to a wild 4 am adventure. I learned so many things about every single person. I also spent the last couple days bonding with our tour guide David. A huge part of this trip being successful was because of his interaction with all of us. I can not wait to go back to school now to see everyone and talk about our time in the UK.

Lastly for this blog, I want to point out some of the unforgettable places and opportunities I had. Media days with Hearst and meeting David Anderson are experiences that will help my photography career a lot. Manchester should have been more than one day because I never wanted to leave the BBC Tour or even the University of Salford just because of their space and technology. The atmosphere was a place I felt truly comfortable in while everyone seemed passionate about their jobs. Overall this trip was unforgettable, and it made me have more encouragement about being a photography major, even though it was a media trip for mainly PR students.