Kari Dettorre

London Day 3 – Tokyo Drift

Today was a lovely day; rainy and busy, but lovely nonetheless. Our first stop was at a Public Relations agency called Battenhall. After a slightly damp journey, we arrived at the agency for our first lecture. Battenhall is a lot different than most agencies, and is truly unique. We heard from a multitude of people, and the lecture was educational and inspiring.

Battenhall is set up on open floor where the team hangs out, and they seem to have perfectly mastered the saying, “work hard, play hard.” This company really captured me because the employees are offered a lot of flexibility, which is the kind of environment that is ideal for me. Creativity is really valued in everything the company does, which is important to me as a designer and artist. I didn’t think places like this existed, but Battenhall proved me wrong. Working for a company like Battenhall would honestly be a dream come true. Our second lecture was with Burson, Cohn & Wolfe, another PR agency. This lecture wasn’t nearly as appealing to me as the first if I’m being honest, but it was still very informative. They seemed very set on wanting to work with us, and encouraged us to contact them.

After our busy morning and early afternoon, I spent the rest of the day shopping and exploring different areas of London. Tomorrow is sadly our last day, so I really hope that I’m able to find time to stop at Freddie Mercury’s home. Freddie’s legacy means a lot to me, and his music has helped me through a lot, so while there’s not much to do or really see, I still want to stand in front of it and take it all in. Wish me luck!