This is my second trip with the International Media Trip. My first trip with them was last spring to Italy. I had such an amazing experience that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go on another adventure to the United Kingdom.
I’m excited to go on this trip because it will be my third time out of the country. I am taking this course as my practicum and I have been working hard this semester to raise money and get ready for the trip. My practicum assignment is to help plan the Wigle Whiskey Fundraiser as well as to create a video for future students about why they should take the International Media Class. I can’t wait for the trip to the UK to take photos and video to incorporate in the video.
I’m glad that I have a second chance to go on this trip because I can learn from my experiences from Italy. I will make sure to take in the moments more and network/stay in contact with more of the people we meet during our media visits.
Cheers to another year!