Dara Collins

Day 4: Alexa, play “Downfall of Us All”

Alexa, play “Downfall of Us All” by A Day To Remember.

The name of this blog comes from the fact I have found my people – my punk people. Stay tuned.

Today was the day of the Hearst UK visit. I was originally more excited for this visit than the others because I thought this would be the only visit related to my major as it involved print media rather than digital and public relations.

In hindsight, every visit has been relevant thus far because I noticed that at least one person from every visit mentioned that they came from a different discipline than what they currently work in.

We were early for the media visit, which is unheard of in our group, so we bought some much needed coffee before we started. The students who have gone on these trips in the past definitely weren’t kidding when they said you would be tired, and Emma’s advice of, “You can sleep when you get home,” is also super relevant.

Hearst UK is the media visit I also decided to write my final paper on, so I will keep my blog mention short and sweet for the time being, but I really enjoyed the professionals that took the time out of their busy schedules to speak to us.

The main concept of the day was consumer engagement. Everyone had a new perspective on engagement, and I enjoyed hearing the different perspectives of how to engage an audience, especially during the panel discussion. The panelists of Matt Hill, Amy Lane, Kenya Hunt and Jess Edwards shared their last bits of advice at the conclusion of the panel which included, “know your audience, ask your audience what they want, don’t be afraid to target a smaller audience and don’t be afraid to get things wrong.”

After the media visit, despite the lack of sleep, we knew we had to leave London with a bang. Julia, Naomi, Emma, Lexi, Craig, Diego, my childhood friend Taylor and I all spent the last night together, and we went to Emma’s and Lexi’s room first to hang out before we went out and about. I was so excited to see Taylor because I haven’t seen him since last summer before he left for the UK as part of his job in the Air Force.

Back to the blog name – I have yet to meet anyone at Point Park who shares my love for pop punk and punk rock music, and I was elated to know Emma, Julia, Diego and Craig share the love for the genre as A Day To Remember started to play over the speaker.

But this is beside the point. ANYWHO –

I couldn’t tell you the names of the clubs we went to or even the specifics of where they were, mainly because I don’t know London well after just a few days, but I can tell you we had an amazing time and brought the fun everywhere we went.

I couldn’t have asked for a better experience for my first trip to London.